Local Conditions
Grand Island, NE
Chg Zip Code: 
Temp: 72oF Feels Like: 73oF
Humid: 83% Dew Pt: 67oF
Barom: 28.61 Wind Dir: SE
Cond: N/A Wind Spd: 9 mph
Sunrise: 6:26 Sunset: 8:54
As reported at Husker Harvest, NE at 1:00 AM
Local Radar
Grand Island, NE
Local Forecast
Grand Island, NE





High: 89°F
Low: 66°F
Precip: 0%
High: 91°F
Low: 68°F
Precip: 61%
High: 92°F
Low: 64°F
Precip: 20%
High: 97°F
Low: 67°F
Precip: 58%
High: 93°F
Low: 69°F
Precip: 57%
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DTN Weather Summary
Heat Gradually Building This Weekend; Hot Next Week
Bryce Anderson (Bio) – DTN Meteorologist

Showers continue in the Southeast U.S. this weekend. Showers also develop from the Delta into the Midwest and in the Northern Plains. » More DTN Weather Commentary

Posted at 12:04PM Fri Jul 26, 2024 CDT

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Did You Know?

In 1776 the Continental Congress offered land grants for service in the Continental Army

Fact courtesy of the USDA

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  High Low Last Chg
Aug 260.750 258.275 259.200 1.075
Sep 260.350 257.625 259.200 1.700
Oct 259.075 256.825 257.925 1.225
Nov 257.900 256.050 256.850 0.975
Jan 255.300 253.575 254.400 1.000
Mar 255.650 254.200 254.875 0.875
Apr 257.675 256.200 257.475 1.200
  High Low Last Chg
Aug 189.325 188.250 188.525 - 0.325
Oct 189.025 187.900 188.500 - 0.050
Dec 189.400 188.525 189.125 0.400
Feb 190.000 189.225 189.725 0.250
Apr 191.125 190.450 190.800 - 0.050
Jun 184.250 183.675 184.000 0.025
Aug 181.800 181.225 181.600 0.225
  High Low Last Chg
Sep 406'4 394'0 394'6 -11'4
Dec 421'6 409'2 410'0 -10'6
Mar 436'0 424'2 424'6 -10'6
May 446'0 434'6 435'2 -10'4
Jul 453'2 442'2 442'6 -9'6
Sep 454'0 445'0 445'4 -8'6
Dec 460'0 451'6 452'2 -7'4
  High Low Last Chg
Aug 1117'2 1071'4 1071'6 -38'4
Sep 1075'6 1038'6 1040'2 -32'4
Nov 1080'4 1045'0 1046'4 -31'0
Jan 1094'6 1061'0 1062'2 -29'6
Mar 1104'4 1073'0 1074'4 -27'4
  High Low Last Chg
Aug 94.100 93.375 93.475 -0.300
Oct 78.550 77.600 78.150 0.400
Dec 70.425 69.850 70.350 0.375
Feb 74.025 73.525 73.875 0.325
Apr 79.200 78.725 78.975 0.325

DTN Livestock News
DTN Cattle Close/Trends 07/26 17:45
DTN Early Word Livestock Comments 07/26 06:21
DTN Midday Livestock Comments 07/26 11:43
DTN Closing Livestock Comment 07/26 15:38
CME Feeder Cattle Index 07/26
Weekly Beef Export Sales 07/25 07:35
DTN Livestock Stats at a Glance
DTN Hog Close/Trends 07/26 15:00
Family Business Matters 04/22 10:47

DTN Ag Headline News
Court Vacates Biden on RFS Exemptions
EPA Releases Draft Insecticide Strategy
Spring Wheat Tour Final Results
AGCO Sells Grain, Protein Business
Spring Wheat Tour Day 2 Results
Salaried Deere Employees Take a Hit
Comment Period Open on Syngenta Dicamba
DTN Retail Fertilizer Trends
Spring Wheat Tour Day 1 Results

DTN Market News
DTN Weekly DDG Prices Mixed, But Lower on Average
DTN Early Word Grains 07/26 05:46
DTN Midday Grain Comments 07/26 10:46
DTN Closing Grain Comments 07/26 13:55
DTN Cattle Close/Trends 07/26 17:45
DTN Early Word Livestock Comments 07/26 06:21
DTN Midday Livestock Comments 07/26 11:43
DTN Closing Livestock Comment 07/26 15:38
DTN Chart Technical Points 07/26 16:30
US Direct Feeder Pigs

Month Open High Low Last Change Close Time More
Aug 24 258.650 260.750 258.275 259.200 1.075 259.700s 07/26 Chart for @GF4Q Options for @GF4Q
Sep 24 258.100 260.350 257.625 259.200 1.700 259.600s 07/26 Chart for @GF4U Options for @GF4U
Oct 24 257.250 259.075 256.825 257.925 1.225 258.300s 07/26 Chart for @GF4V Options for @GF4V
Nov 24 256.250 257.900 256.050 256.850 0.975 257.200s 07/26 Chart for @GF4X Options for @GF4X
Jan 25 253.825 255.300 253.575 254.400 1.000 254.725s 07/26 Chart for @GF5F Options for @GF5F
Mar 25 254.375 255.650 254.200 254.875 0.875 255.150s 07/26 Chart for @GF5H Options for @GF5H
Apr 25 256.200 257.675 256.200 257.475 1.200 257.500s 07/26 Chart for @GF5J Options for @GF5J
Month Open High Low Last Change Close Time More
Aug 24 189.000 189.325 188.250 188.525 - 0.325 188.575s 07/26 Chart for @LE4Q Options for @LE4Q
Oct 24 188.600 189.025 187.900 188.500 - 0.050 188.550s 07/26 Chart for @LE4V Options for @LE4V
Dec 24 188.900 189.400 188.525 189.125 0.400 189.300s 07/26 Chart for @LE4Z Options for @LE4Z
Feb 25 189.675 190.000 189.225 189.725 0.250 189.925s 07/26 Chart for @LE5G Options for @LE5G
Apr 25 190.900 191.125 190.450 190.800 - 0.050 190.875s 07/26 Chart for @LE5J Options for @LE5J
Jun 25 183.975 184.250 183.675 184.000 0.025 184.100s 07/26 Chart for @LE5M Options for @LE5M
Aug 25 181.450 181.800 181.225 181.600 0.225 181.600s 07/26 Chart for @LE5Q Options for @LE5Q
Month Open High Low Last Change Close Time More
Sep 24 405'6 406'4 394'0 394'6 -11'4 394'4s 07/26 Chart for @C4U Options for @C4U
Dec 24 421'0 421'6 409'2 410'0 -10'6 410'0s 07/26 Chart for @C4Z Options for @C4Z
Mar 25 435'2 436'0 424'2 424'6 -10'6 424'4s 07/26 Chart for @C5H Options for @C5H
May 25 445'2 446'0 434'6 435'2 -10'4 435'0s 07/26 Chart for @C5K Options for @C5K
Jul 25 452'2 453'2 442'2 442'6 -9'6 442'6s 07/26 Chart for @C5N Options for @C5N
Sep 25 454'0 454'0 445'0 445'4 -8'6 445'2s 07/26 Chart for @C5U Options for @C5U
Dec 25 459'0 460'0 451'6 452'2 -7'4 452'2s 07/26 Chart for @C5Z Options for @C5Z
Month Open High Low Last Change Close Time More
Aug 24 1113'2 1117'2 1071'4 1071'6 -38'4 1077'4s 07/26 Chart for @S4Q Options for @S4Q
Sep 24 1068'6 1075'6 1038'6 1040'2 -32'4 1042'0s 07/26 Chart for @S4U Options for @S4U
Nov 24 1077'6 1080'4 1045'0 1046'4 -31'0 1048'4s 07/26 Chart for @S4X Options for @S4X
Jan 25 1092'0 1094'6 1061'0 1062'2 -29'6 1064'0s 07/26 Chart for @S5F Options for @S5F
Mar 25 1100'0 1104'4 1073'0 1074'4 -27'4 1076'0s 07/26 Chart for @S5H Options for @S5H
Month Open High Low Last Change Close Time More
Aug 24 94.075 94.100 93.375 93.475 -0.300 93.475s 07/26 Chart for @HE4Q Options for @HE4Q
Oct 24 78.050 78.550 77.600 78.150 0.400 78.200s 07/26 Chart for @HE4V Options for @HE4V
Dec 24 70.150 70.425 69.850 70.350 0.375 70.325s 07/26 Chart for @HE4Z Options for @HE4Z
Feb 25 73.850 74.025 73.525 73.875 0.325 73.925s 07/26 Chart for @HE5G Options for @HE5G
Apr 25 79.025 79.200 78.725 78.975 0.325 79.000s 07/26 Chart for @HE5J Options for @HE5J
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