Local Conditions
Grand Island, NE
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Temp: 60oF Feels Like: 60oF
Humid: 74% Dew Pt: 52oF
Barom: 28.57 Wind Dir: W
Cond: N/A Wind Spd: 7 mph
Sunrise: 7:54 Sunset: 6:42
As reported at Husker Harvest, NE at 11:00 AM
Local Radar
Grand Island, NE
Local Forecast
Grand Island, NE





High: 77°F
Low: 40°F
Precip: 0%
High: 64°F
Low: 44°F
Precip: 0%
High: 74°F
Low: 44°F
Precip: 0%
High: 63°F
Low: 38°F
Precip: 0%
High: 64°F
Low: 33°F
Precip: 0%
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DTN Weather Summary
Small System and Front for Tuesday
Bryce Anderson (Bio) – DTN Meteorologist
Posted at 5:38AM Tue Oct 22, 2024 CDT

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Tonight's Forecast Lows
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48 Hr StormPath Accum
6-10 Day Temp Forecast
6-10 Day Precip Forecast
Thunderstorm Outlook
US Drought Monitor
US Palmer Drought Index
US Crop Moisture Index
US Growing Degree Days
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Did You Know?

In 1820 the Land Law allowed purchasers to buy as little as 80 acres of public land for a minimum price of $1.25 an acre

Fact courtesy of the USDA

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  High Low Last Chg
Oct 249.625 247.900 249.000 1.425
Nov 249.100 246.550 248.700 2.100
Jan 246.275 243.750 245.800 1.550
Mar 245.100 242.850 244.650 1.000
Apr 246.650 244.450 246.275 1.050
May 247.525 245.550 247.125 1.025
Aug 252.550 250.900 252.550 1.200
  High Low Last Chg
Oct 188.450 187.350 187.975 0.975
Dec 188.475 187.000 188.125 1.300
Feb 188.975 187.675 188.700 1.075
Apr 189.525 188.600 189.275 0.725
Jun 182.900 181.800 182.550 0.450
Aug 180.250 179.125 179.975 0.450
Oct 180.975 179.950 180.900 0.600
  High Low Last Chg
Dec 416'4 408'2 415'4 6'0
Mar 429'2 421'6 428'4 5'2
May 436'4 429'0 435'6 5'2
Jul 440'6 433'2 439'6 5'0
Sep 435'2 429'2 434'2 3'6
Dec 442'0 436'0 441'0 3'6
Mar 452'0 447'0 452'0 4'0
  High Low Last Chg
Nov 997'0 976'6 994'2 13'2
Jan 1003'6 986'6 1001'0 11'2
Mar 1015'6 999'2 1013'2 11'2
May 1030'0 1013'0 1027'2 11'2
Jul 1042'2 1025'0 1039'4 11'2
  High Low Last Chg
Dec 79.450 78.250 78.975 0.700
Feb 82.850 81.850 82.600 0.350
Apr 86.250 85.500 86.050 0.125
May 89.525 89.100 89.475 0.075
Jun 96.900 96.425 96.775 0.050

DTN Livestock News
DTN Cattle Prices/Trends 10/22 08:15
DTN Early Word Livestock Comments 10/22 06:18
DTN Midday Livestock Comments 10/21 11:49
DTN Closing Livestock Comment 10/21 15:51
CME Feeder Cattle Index 10/16
Weekly Beef Export Sales 10/18 07:35
DTN Livestock Stats at a Glance
DTN Hog Prices/Trends 10/22 11:20
Family Business Matters 04/22 10:47

DTN Ag Headline News
USDA Weekly Crop Progress Report
Breaking Down CRP Acreage, Rental Rates
Savvy Seed Decisions - 4
Top 5 Things to Watch
View From the Cab
What Farms Need to Know About BOI
Savvy Seed Decisions - 3
Deere Repair Investigation Confirmed
Rural Vote Becomes Key Demographic

DTN Market News
2024 Hard Red and Soft Red Winter Wheat Crop Quality Good Overall
DTN Early Word Grains 10/22 05:51
DTN Midday Grain Comments 10/22 10:55
DTN Closing Grain Comments 10/21 13:43
DTN Cattle Prices/Trends 10/22 08:15
DTN Early Word Livestock Comments 10/22 06:18
DTN Midday Livestock Comments 10/21 11:49
DTN Closing Livestock Comment 10/21 15:51
DTN Chart Technical Points 10/21 16:30
US Direct Feeder Pigs

Month Open High Low Last Change Close Time More
Oct 24 248.150 249.625 247.900 249.000 1.425 247.575 11:32A Chart for @GF4V Options for @GF4V
Nov 24 246.600 249.100 246.550 248.675 2.075 246.600 11:32A Chart for @GF4X Options for @GF4X
Jan 25 244.175 246.275 243.750 245.800 1.550 244.250 11:32A Chart for @GF5F Options for @GF5F
Mar 25 243.650 245.100 242.850 244.675 1.025 243.650 11:32A Chart for @GF5H Options for @GF5H
Apr 25 245.200 246.650 244.450 246.250 1.025 245.225 11:32A Chart for @GF5J Options for @GF5J
May 25 247.000 247.525 245.550 247.125 1.025 246.100 11:32A Chart for @GF5K Options for @GF5K
Aug 25 251.750 252.550 250.900 252.550 1.200 251.350 11:32A Chart for @GF5Q Options for @GF5Q
Month Open High Low Last Change Close Time More
Oct 24 187.350 188.450 187.350 187.975 0.975 187.000 11:32A Chart for @LE4V Options for @LE4V
Dec 24 187.000 188.475 187.000 188.100 1.275 186.825 11:32A Chart for @LE4Z Options for @LE4Z
Feb 25 187.675 188.975 187.675 188.700 1.075 187.625 11:32A Chart for @LE5G Options for @LE5G
Apr 25 188.600 189.525 188.600 189.300 0.750 188.550 11:32A Chart for @LE5J Options for @LE5J
Jun 25 182.100 182.900 181.800 182.500 0.400 182.100 11:32A Chart for @LE5M Options for @LE5M
Aug 25 179.550 180.250 179.125 180.000 0.475 179.525 11:32A Chart for @LE5Q Options for @LE5Q
Oct 25 180.575 180.975 179.950 180.900 0.600 180.300 11:33A Chart for @LE5V Options for @LE5V
Month Open High Low Last Change Close Time More
Dec 24 409'0 416'4 408'2 415'6 6'2 409'4 11:33A Chart for @C4Z Options for @C4Z
Mar 25 422'2 429'2 421'6 428'4 5'2 423'2 11:32A Chart for @C5H Options for @C5H
May 25 429'6 436'4 429'0 435'6 5'2 430'4 11:32A Chart for @C5K Options for @C5K
Jul 25 434'0 440'6 433'2 439'6 5'0 434'6 11:32A Chart for @C5N Options for @C5N
Sep 25 430'0 435'2 429'2 434'2 3'6 430'4 11:32A Chart for @C5U Options for @C5U
Dec 25 436'0 442'0 436'0 441'0 3'6 437'2 11:32A Chart for @C5Z Options for @C5Z
Mar 26 447'2 452'0 447'0 452'0 4'0 448'0 11:32A Chart for @C6H Options for @C6H
Month Open High Low Last Change Close Time More
Nov 24 980'4 997'0 976'6 994'6 13'6 981'0 11:32A Chart for @S4X Options for @S4X
Jan 25 989'0 1003'6 986'6 1001'4 11'6 989'6 11:32A Chart for @S5F Options for @S5F
Mar 25 1002'0 1015'6 999'2 1013'6 11'6 1002'0 11:32A Chart for @S5H Options for @S5H
May 25 1015'4 1030'0 1013'0 1027'6 11'6 1016'0 11:32A Chart for @S5K Options for @S5K
Jul 25 1028'0 1042'2 1025'0 1039'6 11'4 1028'2 11:32A Chart for @S5N Options for @S5N
Month Open High Low Last Change Close Time More
Dec 24 78.850 79.450 78.250 79.000 0.725 78.275 11:32A Chart for @HE4Z Options for @HE4Z
Feb 25 82.500 82.850 81.850 82.600 0.350 82.250 11:32A Chart for @HE5G Options for @HE5G
Apr 25 86.100 86.250 85.500 86.075 0.150 85.925 11:32A Chart for @HE5J Options for @HE5J
May 25 89.500 89.525 89.100 89.475 0.075 89.400 11:32A Chart for @HE5K Options for @HE5K
Jun 25 96.825 96.900 96.425 96.775 0.050 96.725 11:32A Chart for @HE5M Options for @HE5M
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